Management Policy

Puerto Market Commitment to Clients, the Environment, and Safety:

The management policy is reflected in the following requirements for our services, which will also serve as the general framework from which Puertomarket’s specific objectives will be established:

  • Provide facilities that meet the needs of our clients for the storage and distribution of naval supplies.

  • Ensure the technical control and proper supervision of all supplies provided.

  • Offer a fast and efficient service that can respond to urgent supply demands.

  • Provide the technical knowledge and appropriate resources to guarantee supplies, ensuring their optimal use and efficiency.

  • Deliver a quick response to clients from the first contact to the completion of the supply, meeting agreed deadlines.

  • Comply with all legal requirements and other commitments we subscribe to, particularly those related to environmental protection and occupational health and safety.

  • Prevent pollution and health deterioration related to our activities.

  • Stand out for the courteous and friendly treatment of all personnel, striving to understand and resolve our clients’ needs.

  • Pursue continuous improvement in our management system and performance, as well as responding promptly and providing the best solution to any possible client complaints.